Hi everyone! I’m Summer and I’m looking forward to getting
to spend time with you on this blog. Sometimes I will post as me and sometimes
my brother, Noah (*cough* my alter ego *cough*), will post. Hopefully, we will always
have something of interest for you readers out there.
So, this post is my first and therefore I wanted to write
about something that not only introduces you to who I am, but is also something
that is quite important in Second Life. I’m referring to communication and how
it leads to happiness in SL. I think it is something that we can all relate to
on some level in our lives. We all know that communication is key in our real lives,
but in Second Life, it is extremely important too. In some ways, I think it
might be even more important here in our world, due to the fact that as SL
kids, much of our communication takes place in a type-chat setting.
I think it’s safe to say that most of us can relate to the
following scenario. You are chatting with your family or friends in SL, and say
something that in your mind sounds non-aggressive. The thought is not even on
that realm of intention. However, someone in that group interprets it in a
negative way. They hear tone in that statement, even though type chat cannot
properly display “tone” in the normal sense of the word. After this statement
is made… well that’s where the situation can take a turn from the pleasant to
the point of wanting to crawl under a table. This is common. It is hard to
convey true tone in anything we say in type-chat. That goes for any social
media too, but here I’m discussing Second Life only.
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Photo By: Syrah Evans (My SL Mommy) |
But, see… this is where communication comes into play. For
those with good communication skills, this isn’t much of an issue, as they know
how to properly take care of the situations that arise. But, for people like
myself who struggle in the area of communication, it can be quite difficult. When
something difficult arises, I tend to shut down. This goes back to my real life
childhood, and it transfers into my SL world perfectly, unfortunately. I get
quiet and will distance myself from the situation as much as possible. I do
this for a couple of reasons. One reason is due to becoming overwhelmed by how
I feel and not knowing how to deal with it. The second reason is due to not
wanting to say something that will hurt those I love and care about, so I step
away from the situation to try my best to avoid that. Unfortunately, though,
that doesn’t always happen in time.
Obviously, that isn’t the best way to deal with problems
anywhere, including SL. So, that is when communication can help make difficult
situations turn out well and allow happiness to re-enter the atmosphere.
Happiness is always important in life, but in Second Life it’s of even higher
importance. Let’s face it… we are here in SL because we want something here
that we maybe don’t have in real life. We are looking for happiness in some
form or another. Therefore, if we aren’t getting that happiness, then it makes
Second Life a lonely and sad place, which then overflows into our real lives.
It’s for this reason that communication should be high on
the list in aiding misunderstandings or outright nasty arguments. It never
feels good to get into an argument with a family member or friend. It hurts and
it feels like a gnawing pain in the gut of my stomach when I have had
disagreements with friends and family here in SL. I will go to bed crying and
aching inside due to how it feels. But, there’s one huge reason for that…
because the communication did not take place when the problem first arose.
Rather than talk out the problem sooner, I shut down and essentially allowed it
to fester inside of me, as well as the person with whom I had the
So, see? Communication can help things resolve much faster
and welcome happiness back into our lives much faster too. However, this isn’t
to say that everything is skip-through-the-poppies perfect after these often
difficult talks are done. Emotions still need to calm. People still need to
reach a point of being ready to apologize, forgive and accept forgiveness. That’s
another step in the communication process that involves working to repair that
trust and friendship or kinship. That takes time, but hopefully since the first
stages of communication take place, things can come a little easier and can go
more smoothly for all parties involved.
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Photo by: Syrah Evans (My SL Mommy) |
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“Happiness is anyone and anything at all, that’s loved by you.”
~ Peanuts
Mommy Daughter & Solo Tree Photos
Together Pose: Tiny Tot Poses "Piece of Life"
Adult Clothes:
Pants: Client Female Rocker Jeans
Shirt: *Dreams* White "Merry Christmas Tee"
Shoes: AQUA Women's Black Leather Sneaks
Eyes: Izzie's Natural Mesh Eyes *Crystal Blue*
~Mynerva~ SoulHeart Eyes -Royale-
Eyeshadow: Izzie's Ginevra Eyeshadow Brown
Freckles: Izzie's Ginevra Freckles "Sunkissed" (Body & Face)
Hair: [e] "Flattery" Blonde 09
Skin: Izzie's Ginevra Skin "Sunkissed" LB CL
Kids Clothes:
Outfit (Coat, Pants and Shoes): Marmelade "Under the Wind"
Hat: Muddy Buddies "Santa's Best Buddy Santa Hat"
Eyes: *By Snow* Elven Eyes (Sky)
Hair: TRUTH HAIR - "Danni" Dark Brown 01, Amacci Bald Base
Shape: *Aura's* Enchanted Julie for Toddleedoo
Skin: ~Mynerva~ "Little Julie" Champagne B
Brows: ~Mynerva~ "Jane" Brown Brows
Freckles: R.icielli - Freckles 1
Necklace: Creator: Angelia Heartsdale "I love you to the moon and back"
Bracelet: *BOOM* Blue Friendship Bracelet
Charlie Brown Photo
Charlie Brown Outfit (Shirt, Shorts and Shoes) by Cade
Pose: Sits by Peacey - Kgsit13a26
Puppy: VKC Dogwood Puppy
Writing & Sad Photos
Pose: *Little Posers* "Letters Home 1 Pose
~Posey~ "Daydream" Pose
Izzie's - "I'm not feeling very well" Tears + Redness Tattoo more intense
* Mommy and Daughter Photos taken by Syrah Evans
* Other photos taken by me, Summer Pedalo